vendredi 31 juillet 2009

Encore en vacances

Prenant exemple sur son tonton, Ismael cultive son style décontracté:

Il s'amuse aussi volontiers avec Xavier:

Photo artistique à Uzes:

Photo mystère en gros plan... Devinez ce que c'est (c'est facile si vous habitez le sud, peut-être un peu moins si vous habitez l' Alaska):

Vidéo pour finir: Bernard fait son rodéo piscine sur le morse qui a élu domicile dans notre piscine cette année (ils survivent rarement à l'été).

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

It is nice to read and see how things are going on your holiday. We miss you and Ismael. Glad you are enjoying your time with your family. Give our love and regards to your family. We wish we could be sitting around the pool, our weather here has been hot.
Grandma Suring

Unknown a dit…

Looks like fun. Wish I was there.

I'm going to guess that it is a sunflower. They are on the mind because there is apparently a 15 ft. tall one in a certain back yard in Boise. The previous blog post helps, too.

I'm looking to come visit you (and Ismael) soon. Do you have anything planned between the 24th of this month and the 24th of September besides the wedding out east?

Mag a dit…

It is a sunflower, and yes I guess it was pretty obvious from context. I should have cropped the picture more too.
We wish you were all here too, I know that you would tame this walrus in no time Aaron, although the lack of the alaskan whaler beard might be a handicap.
No I don't think that we have anything planned apart from 11th-15th of September. Are you coming to Bumbershoot? I thought you might come around that time...
